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banks have "imploded*"

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  • RE: AFMSI / Joe Cuttone / Ripping off the consumer - from michelle in Detroit: this is from the consumer fraud report: I paid this company $1200 to get me a motivation on my loan. ... (4301 hours ago)
  • RE: Looking for a VA Lender in Texas? - Thanks for your post! Denver Mortgage Lender RJ Baxter - Denver Mortgage Lender (9054 hours ago)
  • Texas Jumbo Lender Offering 95% Financing - Hello ml-implod(ers). Not sure if this is the right place to add this but wanted to let everyone know that we can do non-confor... (11004 hours ago)
  • Inaction - Hello, folks! Long time since I've chimed in here, but some of you might remember me. I can't be silent when I'm riled, and Lor... (13332 hours ago)
  • Hello grapevine. - I think this would be a fine home for mortgage type discussions. ... (16042 hours ago)
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Imploded* Banksâ„¢:

General Implodes

FDIC Failed Banks

(FDIC page)

Failed Credit Unions

(NCUA page)

Credit Union Conservatorships

(NCUA page)

Writedown-Rundown & General Distress

Name - $Pain Factor [writedowns and charge-offs + capital raised + loan loss reserves growth + L2/3 growth]


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